Wait. I Can Travel Between Galaxies?

Idika Poudel
10 min readNov 12, 2020
Picture by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to travel through space as if you are passing through a door? It takes a crazy amount of distance to pass through to travel through the magnificent cosmos, but what if you could warp space and time to let you pass through it? Well, if you have ever wondered or even are mildly curious about it, I shall introduce you to the profound worlds of wormholes.

Wormholes? What are they?

To start, what exactly are wormholes? Are they some kind of holes that worms travel through? Or something different? Well, the answer to the question is, they are not holes that worms travel through (although they can). In simple terms, they are an entity in space that warps space and time to allow them to bend those two for travel through space.

How a Wormhole May Work

Wormholes are the solutions to Einstein field equations for gravity that act like a tunnel-like connection through spacetime, much like actual real tunnels created by worms in an apple. Scientists study the mathematical properties of spacetimes containing wormholes due to their unusual properties. The study of these strange geometries helps better distinguish the boundaries of behaviour…

